Creative Nonfiction + Cultural Criticism
After-Visit Summary (Fourth Genre)
In the Shape of a Monster (Multiplicity Magazine)
Ecological Horror on Stage in Black Sunday (HowlRound)
Lambe-Lambe and the Radical Generosity of Miniature Puppet Theatre (HowlRound)
Performance, Pro-Democracy Protest, and Activism Across Cultures (HowlRound)
'Islander' is a Sea of Innovative Sound from Across the Atlantic (Rescripted)
Dancing Toward the Apocalypse in Porto (Rescripted)
Flip the Script: Theatre Down Under (Rescripted)
Geological Time (Theater Artists Making Theater With No Theater, Tripwire Harlot Press)
Endurance Glacier (Bending Genres)
Craft Essays
The Environmental Issue (The Dramatist)
Writing to Save the World: Playwriting and Climate Change (Playwrights' Center Playwriting Toolkit)
Occam’s razor: A playwright’s guide to simplifying (PWC Toolkit)
Writing without a script: a step-by-step guide to devising (PWC Toolkit)
Struck by lightning: How to cultivate a practice of generating play ideas (PWC Toolkit)​
Interviews & Features
Staying Alive in a Dying World by Mike Fischer (World Premiere Wisconsin Backstage)
Climate change on the global stage by Hannah Loss (Scienceline)
Reshaping the Climate Narrative (interview by Julieanne Ehre, Pivot Arts Podcast)
The Subtext: Plays That Fill You Up (interview by Brian Polak, American Theatre podcast)
The Subtext: Kristin Idaszak (interview by Brian Polak, American Theatre podcast)
Invite the Audience Into Your Heart (interview by Sam Collier and Sarah Cho, Beckett's Babies podcast)
Kristin Idaszak Interviews Playwrights’ Center Founder Barbara Fields​
Playwrights’ Center Mini-Interview
I Interview Playwrights Part 827: Kristin Idaszak (interview by Adam Szymkowicz)